# src : https://buildlogs.pld-linux.org/pld/ac/amd64/FAIL/command,faff3b18-b1f2-4a02-857a-7dae88729327.bz2 # date : 2016/04/15 22:49:52 Loading [pndir]ac-ready... 541 packages read warn: libtool: ambiguous name Processing dependencies... libltdl-devel-1.5.26-2.amd64 obsoleted by libtool-2.2.6-13.amd64 error: libtool-2.2.6-13.amd64: req gcc = 5:3.3.6 not found There are 1 package to install, 1 to remove: I libtool-2.2.6-13.amd64 R libltdl-devel-1.5.26-2.amd64 This operation will use 531.0KB of disk space. Need to get 518.9KB of archives (518.9KB to download). error: 1 unresolved dependency Begin-PLD-Builder-Info Build-Time: user:0.25s sys:0.02s real:0.29s (faults io:0 non-io:8017) End-PLD-Builder-Info