# src : https://buildlogs.pld-linux.org/pld/ac/i686/OK/command,abc8a409-a03e-468a-9253-eee4c6ef8838.bz2 # date : 2019/10/17 18:49:36 + for a in libtool libltdl-devel compat-libstdc++-3.3 + poldek -ev --noask libtool mark libtool-1.5.26-2.i686 Processing dependencies... There are 1 package to remove: R libtool-1.5.26-2.i686 This operation will free 1.9MB of disk space. Running rpm --erase --root / --noorder... + for a in libtool libltdl-devel compat-libstdc++-3.3 + poldek -ev --noask libltdl-devel mark libltdl-devel-1.5.26-2.i686 Processing dependencies... There are 1 package to remove: R libltdl-devel-1.5.26-2.i686 This operation will free 1.5MB of disk space. Running rpm --erase --root / --noorder... + for a in libtool libltdl-devel compat-libstdc++-3.3 + poldek -ev --noask compat-libstdc++-3.3 error: compat-libstdc++-3.3: no such package + poldek --noask --up -u gcc --sn ac --downgrade Retrieving ac-main::packages.ndir.md... ac-main is up to date Retrieving ac-updates::packages.ndir.md... ac-updates is up to date Loading [pndir]ac-main... Loading [pndir]ac-updates... 20047 packages read warn: gcc: ambiguous name gcc-3.3.6-9.i686: equal version installed, skipped Nothing to do + poldek --noask --up -u libtool --sn ac-supported Retrieving ac-supported::packages.ndir.md... Retrieving ac-supported::packages.ndir.diff.toc.gz... Retrieving diff::packages.ndir.2012.09.07-06.31.50.gz... ..............................done Retrieving diff::packages.ndir.dscr.2012.09.07-06.31.50.gz... Loading [pndir]ac-supported... Applying packages.ndir.2012.09.07-06.31.50.gz... Writing /root/.poldek-cache/[...]/packages.ndir.gz... Loading [pndir]ac-supported... 459 packages read Processing dependencies... There are 1 package to install: I libtool-2.2.6-13.i686 This operation will use 2.0MB of disk space. Need to get 518.8KB of archives (518.8KB to download). Retrieving ac-supported::libtool-2.2.6-13.i686.rpm... ..............................done Executing rpm --upgrade -vh --root / --define _check_dirname_deps 0... Preparing... ################################################## libtool ################################################## Begin-PLD-Builder-Info Build-Time: user:3.15s sys:0.27s real:29.24s (faults io:20 non-io:40059) End-PLD-Builder-Info + poldek -ev --noask libtool mark libtool-2.2.6-13.i686 Processing dependencies... There are 1 package to remove: R libtool-2.2.6-13.i686 This operation will free 2.0MB of disk space. Running rpm --erase --root / --noorder... + poldek --noask --up -u libltdl-devel libtool libltdl --sn ac-updates --downgrade Retrieving ac-updates::packages.ndir.md... ac-updates is up to date Loading [pndir]ac-updates... 6239 packages read libltdl-1.5.26-2.i686: equal version installed, skipped Processing dependencies... There are 1 package to install: I libltdl-devel-1.5.26-2.i686 This operation will use 1.5MB of disk space. Need to get 251.7KB of archives (251.7KB to download). Retrieving ac-updates::libltdl-devel-1.5.26-2.i686.rpm... ..............................done Executing rpm --upgrade --oldpackage -vh --root / --define _check_dirname_deps 0... Preparing... ################################################## libltdl-devel ################################################## Installing set #2 Processing dependencies... There are 1 package to install: I libtool-1.5.26-2.i686 This operation will use 1.9MB of disk space. Need to get 435.2KB of archives (435.2KB to download). Retrieving ac-updates::libtool-1.5.26-2.i686.rpm... ..............................done Executing rpm --upgrade --oldpackage -vh --root / --define _check_dirname_deps 0... Preparing... ################################################## libtool ################################################## Begin-PLD-Builder-Info Build-Time: user:1.34s sys:0.16s real:27.69s (faults io:0 non-io:23835) End-PLD-Builder-Info