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command d2ea91c9-6f88-44ea-a871-a9afa78f9459

Source URL:,d2ea91c9-6f88-44ea-a871-a9afa78f9459.bz2
text/plain URL:View!
full text:View!
rpm -qa of builder:View!
Date:2025/02/05 01:18:15


  • error 1
  • error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  • error 2
  • error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  • error 3
  • error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1296
  • error 4
  • error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 4656
  • error 5
  • error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 2575
  • error 6
  • error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  • error 7
  • error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  • error 8
  • error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  • error 9
  • error: Failed dependencies:


Loading [pndir]ready...
Loading [pndir]th-test...
Loading [pndir]th-test...
Loading [pndir]th-ready...
Loading [pndir]th-ready...
Loading [pndir]th...
Loading [pndir]th...
39784 packages read
Removed 1285 duplicate packages from available set
Processing dependencies...
rpm-4.20.0-1 obsoleted by rpm-4.18.2-2
  greedy upgrade rpm-utils-4.20.0-1 to 4.18.2-2 (unresolved rpm = 1:4.20.0-1)
   rpm-utils-4.20.0-1 obsoleted by rpm-utils-4.18.2-2
     greedy upgrade rpm-build-4.20.0-1 to 4.18.2-2 (unresolved rpm-utils = 1:4.20.0-1)
      rpm-build-4.20.0-1 obsoleted by rpm-build-4.18.2-2
  greedy upgrade python3-rpm-4.20.0-1 to 4.18.2-2 (unresolved rpm = 1:4.20.0-1)
   python3-rpm-4.20.0-1 obsoleted by python3-rpm-4.18.2-2
rpm-4.18.2-2 marks rpm-base-4.18.2-2 (cap rpm-base = 1:4.18.2-2)
 rpm-base-4.20.0-1 obsoleted by rpm-base-4.18.2-2
There are 5 packages to install (4 marked by dependencies), 5 to remove:
U python3-rpm-(4.20.0-1 => 4.18.2-2).i686  rpm-(4.20.0-1 => 4.18.2-2).i686  
U rpm-base-(4.20.0-1 => 4.18.2-2).i686  rpm-build-(4.20.0-1 => 4.18.2-2).i686  
U rpm-utils-(4.20.0-1 => 4.18.2-2).i686
This operation will free 660.0KB of disk space.
Need to get 2.3MB of archives. 
rpm-base-4.18.2-2.i686.rpm: digests OK
rpm-4.18.2-2.i686.rpm: digests OK
python3-rpm-4.18.2-2.i686.rpm: digests OK
rpm-utils-4.18.2-2.i686.rpm: digests OK
rpm-build-4.18.2-2.i686.rpm: digests OK
Executing --upgrade --oldpackage -vh --root / --define _check_dirname_deps 0...
error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  Signature 4b7a created at Sun Apr 22 11:45:36 2018 invalid: signature relies on legacy cryptography
      because: Policy rejected non-revocation signature (Binary) requiring collision resistance
      because: SHA1 is not considered secure since 2013-02-01T00:00:00Z
error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  Signature f3e6 created at Sun Apr  2 00:26:11 2023 invalid: signature relies on legacy cryptography
      because: Policy rejected non-revocation signature (Binary) requiring collision resistance
      because: SHA1 is not considered secure since 2013-02-01T00:00:00Z
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#    1296 
Header DSA signature: BAD (header tag 267: invalid OpenPGP signature: Parsing an OpenPGP packet:
  Failed to parse Signature Packet
      because: Signature appears to be created by a non-conformant OpenPGP implementation, see <>.
      because: Malformed MPI: leading bit is not set: expected bit 8 to be set in  1110100 (74))
Header SHA1 digest: OK
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#    4656 
Header DSA signature: BAD (header tag 267: invalid OpenPGP signature: Parsing an OpenPGP packet:
  Failed to parse Signature Packet
      because: Signature appears to be created by a non-conformant OpenPGP implementation, see <>.
      because: Malformed MPI: leading bit is not set: expected bit 8 to be set in   101111 (2f))
Header SHA1 digest: OK
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#    2575 
Header DSA signature: BAD (header tag 267: invalid OpenPGP signature: Parsing an OpenPGP packet:
  Failed to parse Signature Packet
      because: Signature appears to be created by a non-conformant OpenPGP implementation, see <>.
      because: Malformed MPI: leading bit is not set: expected bit 8 to be set in  1101010 (6a))
Header SHA1 digest: OK
error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  Signature 59ed created at Mon Nov  9 21:07:53 2015 invalid: signature relies on legacy cryptography
      because: Policy rejected non-revocation signature (Binary) requiring collision resistance
      because: SHA1 is not considered secure since 2013-02-01T00:00:00Z
error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  Signature f6b5 created at Sun Sep 13 18:33:05 2015 invalid: signature relies on legacy cryptography
      because: Policy rejected non-revocation signature (Binary) requiring collision resistance
      because: SHA1 is not considered secure since 2013-02-01T00:00:00Z
error: Verifying a signature, but no certificate was provided:
  Signature 7e74 created at Wed Dec  4 10:14:52 2024 invalid: signature relies on legacy cryptography
      because: Policy rejected non-revocation signature (Binary) requiring collision resistance
      because: SHA1 is not considered secure since 2013-02-01T00:00:00Z
error: Failed dependencies:
	bzip2 is needed by rpm-build-1:4.18.2-2.i686
	chrpath >= 0.10-4 is needed by rpm-build-1:4.18.2-2.i686
	patch is needed by rpm-build-1:4.18.2-2.i686
Build-Time: user:6.82s sys:2.70s real:9.65s (faults io:0 non-io:259767)

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