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python3-numpy 1750bd26-4057-49d1-b024-32ce94ef4018

Source URL:,1750bd26-4057-49d1-b024-32ce94ef4018.bz2
text/plain URL:View!
full text:View!
rpm -qa of builder:View!
Date:2025/01/11 14:19:28


  • error 1
  • E AssertionError: assert False
  • error 2
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 3
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 4
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 5
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 6
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 7
  • numpy/core/tests/[args0] PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 8
  • numpy/core/tests/[args1] PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 9
  • numpy/core/tests/[args2] PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 10
  • numpy/core/tests/[args0] PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 11
  • numpy/core/tests/[args1] PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 12
  • numpy/core/tests/[args2] PASSED [ 0%]
  • error 13
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 14
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 15
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 16
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 17
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 18
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 19
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 20
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
  • error 21
  • numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
  • error 22
  • E ValueError: Maximum allowed dimension exceeded
  • error 23
  • E IndexError: list index out of range
  • error 24
  • E AssertionError:
  • error 25
  • E ValueError: Maximum allowed dimension exceeded
  • error 26
  • E IndexError: list index out of range
  • error 27
  • E AssertionError:
  • error 28
  • E AssertionError: Found unexpected object(s) that look like modules: ['numpy.distutils.log.logging', 'numpy.distutils.log.warnings']
  • error 29
  • FAILED numpy/core/tests/ - AssertionError:...
  • error 30
  • error: Bad exit status from /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/tmp/rpm-tmp.uwTgZs (%build)
  • error 31
  • RPM build errors:
  • error 32
  • error: No files produced.


        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/testing/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' scope='function' baseid='build/te...ess'>, 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' scope='function' baseid='build/te...ess'>, 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/'setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xf6ac6520>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>, PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be r...s://'), <traceback object at 0xe2e80728>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/testing/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.testing.tests.test_utils.TestArrayAssertLess object at 0xf0ba2718>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.testing.tests.test_utils.TestArrayAssertLess object at 0xf0ba2718>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xe2e63f40>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.testing.tests.test_utils.TestArrayAssertLess object at 0xf0ba2718>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/testing/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestArrayAssertLess.setup of <numpy.testing.tests.test_utils.TestArrayAssertLess object at 0xf0ba2718>>
method     = <bound method TestArrayAssertLess.test_inf_compare_array of <numpy.testing.tests.test_utils.TestArrayAssertLess object at 0xf0ba2718>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestArrayAssertLess' for <Function test_inf_compare_array>>
self       = <numpy.testing.tests.test_utils.TestArrayAssertLess object at 0xf0ba2718>
setup_method = <function TestArrayAssertLess.setup at 0xf0a1e388>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = None
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________________________ test_new_policy ________________________________

get_module = <module 'mem_policy' from '/tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/tmp/pytest-of-builder/pytest-0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/'>

    def test_new_policy(get_module):
        a = np.arange(10)
        orig_policy_name = np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name(a)
        orig_policy = get_module.set_secret_data_policy()
        b = np.arange(10)
        assert np.core.multiarray.get_handler_name(b) == 'secret_data_allocator'
        # test array manipulation. This is slow
        if orig_policy_name == 'default_allocator':
            # when the np.core.test tests recurse into this test, the
            # policy will be set so this "if" will be false, preventing
            # infinite recursion
            # if needed, debug this by
            # - running tests with -- -s (to not capture stdout/stderr
            # - setting extra_argv=['-vv'] here
>           assert np.core.test('full', verbose=2, extra_argv=['-vv'])
E           AssertionError: assert False
E            +  where False = <numpy._pytesttester.PytestTester object at 0xf7690430>('full', verbose=2, extra_argv=['-vv'])
E            +    where <numpy._pytesttester.PytestTester object at 0xf7690430> = <module 'numpy.core' from '/tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/'>.test
E            +      where <module 'numpy.core' from '/tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/'> = np.core

a          = array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
b          = array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
get_module = <module 'mem_policy' from '/tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/tmp/pytest-of-builder/pytest-0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/'>
orig_policy = <capsule object "mem_handler" at 0xf7179f20>
orig_policy_name = 'default_allocator'

numpy/core/tests/ AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
NumPy version 1.22.4
NumPy relaxed strides checking option: True
NumPy CPU features:  SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3? SSE41? POPCNT? SSE42? AVX? F16C? FMA3? AVX2? AVX512F? AVX512CD? AVX512_KNL? AVX512_KNM? AVX512_SKX? AVX512_CLX? AVX512_CNL? AVX512_ICL?
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.15, pytest-7.2.1, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4, configfile: pytest.ini
collecting ... collected 7703 items

numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[args0] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[args1] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[args2] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[args0] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[args1] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[args2] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED   [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED  [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED        [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED        [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[S13] PASSED      [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[U32] PASSED      [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED   [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED   [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc] PASSED    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED   [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED     [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc] PASSED     [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED    [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED  [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED  [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED  [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes_-bool_] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[str_-bool_] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype2-out_dtype2] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes_-bool_] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[str_-bool_] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype2-out_dtype2] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-str] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-bytes] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-str_0] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-str_1] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-str] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-bytes] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-str_0] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-str_1] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-str] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-bytes] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-str_0] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-str_1] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED            [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                         [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                     [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape0-fill_value0-expected_output0] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape1-fill_value1-expected_output1] PASSED [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [  0%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.2] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[10**43] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[None] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.2] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[10**43] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[None] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[arraylike0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['arraylike'], function test_unpack_first_level at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[scalar0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['scalar'], function test_scalar at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[scalar0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['scalar'], function test_scalar_coercion at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[cast_to0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['cast_to'], function test_scalar_coercion_same_as_cast_and_assignment at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[10] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[10.32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[10.14j] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[s](NaT)-int64] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[s](NaT)-float32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[s]-int64] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[s]-float32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[datetime64[generic](NaT)-int64] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[datetime64[generic](NaT)-float32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[datetime64[D]-int64] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[datetime64[D]-float32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[ns]-int64] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[ns]-float32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[generic]-int64] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[generic]-float32] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[[s]-S6] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[[s]-U6] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[[D]-S6] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[[D]-U6] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[[s]] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/[[D]] PASSED [  1%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[arraylike0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['arraylike'], function test_nested_arraylikes at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[arraylike0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['arraylike'], function test_uneven_depth_ragged at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[arraylike0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['arraylike'], function test_0d_object_special_case at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Needs 64bit platform) [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[RecursionError-__array_interface__] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[RecursionError-__array__] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[RecursionError-__array_struct__] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[MemoryError-__array_interface__] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[MemoryError-__array__] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[MemoryError-__array_struct__] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[RecursionError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[MemoryError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args0] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args1] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args2] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args3] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args4] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args5] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args0-TypeError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args1-TypeError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args2-TypeError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args3-TypeError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args4-TypeError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args5-TypeError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args6-ValueError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args7-ValueError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[args8-ValueError] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[ndarray] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[recarray] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[chararray] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[matrix] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[memmap] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Requires python 3.8) [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ XFAIL (See gh-10544) [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  2%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[e-S] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[e-U] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-S] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-U] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-S] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-U] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[g-S] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[g-U] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[bool_]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int8]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[intc]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint8]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uintc]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float32]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex128]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[from_dt0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['from_dt'], function test_simple_direct_casts at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[bool_]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int8]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[intc]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint8]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uintc]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float32]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex128]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ns]-None-65536-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[>M8[ns]-None-Casting.equiv-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8-M8[ms]-65538-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ms]-M8-Casting.unsafe-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[5ms]-M8[5ms]-65536-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ns]-M8[ms]-Casting.same_kind-1-1000000] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ms]-M8[ns]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ms]-M8[7ms]-Casting.same_kind-1-7] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[4D]-M8[1M]-Casting.same_kind-None-denom8] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ns]-None-65536-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[>m8[ns]-None-Casting.equiv-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8-m8[ms]-65538-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ms]-m8-Casting.unsafe-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[5ms]-m8[5ms]-65536-1-1] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ns]-m8[ms]-Casting.same_kind-1-1000000] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ms]-m8[ns]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ms]-m8[7ms]-Casting.same_kind-1-7] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[4D]-m8[1M]-Casting.unsafe-None-denom17] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[bool_]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[int8]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[int16]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[intc]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[int64]] PASSED [  3%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[uint8]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[uint16]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[uintc]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[uint64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[float16]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[float32]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[float64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[complex64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-dtype[complex128]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[bool_]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[int8]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[int16]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[intc]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[int64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[uint8]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[uint16]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[uintc]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[uint64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[float16]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[float32]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[float64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[complex64]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-dtype[complex128]] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[other_dt0-S] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['other_dt'], function test_simple_string_casts_roundtrip at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[other_dt0-U] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['other_dt'], function test_simple_string_casts_roundtrip at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-S8] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-<U8] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S->U8] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-S8] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-<U8] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U->U8] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[>->] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[>-<] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[<->] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[<-<] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dtype'], function test_object_and_simple_resolution at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dtype'], function test_simple_to_object_resolution at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[no] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [  4%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Only for Linux and Power) [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Only for Linux and ARM) [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.0] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1.0] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[2.0] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.0] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1.0] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[2.0] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.0-True] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.0-False] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1.0-True] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1.0-False] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[2.0-True] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[2.0-False] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_and] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_or] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_xor] PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  5%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[s] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[ms] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[us] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[ns] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[ps] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[fs] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[as] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[21] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[217] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[1000] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[21] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[217] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[1000] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ns]-arr0-expected0] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ns]-arr1-expected1] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ns]-arr2-expected2] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[ns]-arr3-expected3] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[us]-arr0-expected0] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[us]-arr1-expected1] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[us]-arr2-expected2] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[us]-arr3-expected3] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ns]-arr0-expected0] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ns]-arr1-expected1] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ns]-arr2-expected2] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[ns]-arr3-expected3] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[us]-arr0-expected0] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[us]-arr1-expected1] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[us]-arr2-expected2] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[us]-arr3-expected3] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[Y] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[W] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[s] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[ms] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[us] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[ns] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[ps] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[fs] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[as] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[generic] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[D]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[Y]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8[s]-M8[D]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8[s]-m8[ns]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-m8[D]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-M8[Y]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-m8[D]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-M8[Y]] PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  6%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op10-op20-1] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op11-op21--2] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op12-op22--2] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op13-op23-1] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op14-op24-60] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op15-op25-1] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op16-op26-exp6] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op10-op20] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op11-op21] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op12-op22] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[9007199254740993-1] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[9007199254740999--2] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val10-val20] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val11-val21] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op10-op20] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op11-op21] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op12-op22] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op13-op23] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op14-op24] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op15-op25] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op16-op26] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op10-op20] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op11-op21] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[op12-op22] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val10-val20-expected0] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val11-val21-expected1] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val12-val22-expected2] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val13-val23-expected3] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val14-val24-expected4] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val15-val25-expected5] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val16-val26-expected6] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val17-val27-expected7] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val18-val28-expected8] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val10-val20] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val11-val21] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[val10-15] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/[7.5-val21] PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [  7%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-Y] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-W] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-h] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-m] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-s] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-ms] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-us] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-ns] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-ps] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-fs] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<datetime64[%s]-as] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-Y] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-W] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-h] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-m] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-s] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-ms] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-us] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-ns] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-ps] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-fs] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>datetime64[%s]-as] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-Y] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-W] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-h] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-m] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-s] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-ms] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-us] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-ns] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-ps] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-fs] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[<timedelta64[%s]-as] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-Y] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-W] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-h] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-m] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-s] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-ms] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-us] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-ns] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-ps] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-fs] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[>timedelta64[%s]-as] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape0] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape1] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[Y] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[W] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[s] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[ms] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[us] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[ns] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[ps] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[fs] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[as] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[10D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[2M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-Y] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-M] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-W] XFAIL (gh-13197) [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-D] PASSED [  8%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-h] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-m] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-s] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-ms] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-us] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-ns] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-ps] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-fs] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-as] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1-10D] XFAIL (similar to gh-13197) [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-Y] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-M] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-W] XFAIL (gh-13197) [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-D] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-h] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-m] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-s] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-ms] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-us] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-ns] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-ps] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-fs] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-as] PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-10D] XFAIL (similar to gh-13197) [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [  9%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[,invalid_data] PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[,invalid_data] ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[invalid_sep] PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[invalid_sep] ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[,invalid_data] PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[,invalid_data] ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[invalid_sep] PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[invalid_sep] ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[index0] PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[index0] ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[index1] PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/[index1] ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 10%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_interface__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_struct__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_interface__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_struct__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_interface__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_struct__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_interface__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_struct__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_interface__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[__array_struct__] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_data] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_data] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_shape] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_shape] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_strides] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_strides] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_as_parameter] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[get_as_parameter] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[data] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[data] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[strides] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[strides] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[_as_parameter_] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[_as_parameter_] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition method] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition method] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition method] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition method] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition function] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition function] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition function] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition function] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition method] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition method] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition method] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition method] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition function] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[partition function] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition function] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[argpartition function] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[percentile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[percentile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[quantile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[quantile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanpercentile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanpercentile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanquantile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanquantile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[percentile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[percentile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[quantile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[quantile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanpercentile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanpercentile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanquantile] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[nanquantile] ERROR [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 11%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[4] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[5] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[6] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[7] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[8] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[9] PASSED  [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[10] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[11] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[12] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[13] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[14] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[15] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[16] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[17] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[18] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[19] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[20] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[21] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[22] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[23] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[24] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[25] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[26] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[27] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[28] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[29] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[30] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[31] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[32] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[int] PASSED        [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED      [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex] PASSED    [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED      [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[str0] PASSED       [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED     [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[str1] PASSED       [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[int] PASSED      [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED    [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[le] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[lt] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[ge] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[gt] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Bool] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Bytes0] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Complex32] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Complex64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Datetime64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Float16] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Float32] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Float64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Int8] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Int16] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Int32] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Int64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Object0] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Str0] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[Timedelta64] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[UInt8] PASSED [ 12%]
numpy/core/tests/[UInt16] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[Uint32] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[UInt32] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[Uint64] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[UInt64] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[Void0] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[Float128] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[Complex128] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[m8] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[M8] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[datetime64] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[i4, (2,3)f8, f4] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[a3, 3u8, (3,4)a10] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[>f] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[<f] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[=f] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[|f] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[obj0-(2)f4,-expected0] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[3-(3)f4,-expected1] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[2.0-(2)f4,-expected2] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[obj3-(2,2)f4-None] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[obj4-(2)i,-None] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[empty-None-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (unreliable due to python's behaviour) [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[ones-1-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_create_delete at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[zeros-0-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_create_delete at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_item_setting at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape0-index0-2-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_indexing at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape1-index1-4-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_indexing at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape2-index2-2-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_indexing at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape3-index3-2-dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_indexing at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/[dt0-pat0-count0-singleton0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dt', 'pat', 'count', 'singleton'], function test_structured_object_take_and_repeat at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 13%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[int] PASSED   [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[str0] PASSED  [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[str1] PASSED  [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[bool] PASSED  [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[-m8] PASSED  [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[-M8] PASSED  [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[Y-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[Y-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[M-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[M-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[W-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[W-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[D-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[D-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[h-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[h-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[m-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[m-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[s-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[s-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[ms-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[ms-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[us-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[us-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[ns-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[ns-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[ps-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[ps-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[fs-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[fs-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[as-m8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[as-M8] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[bool_]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int8]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int16]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[intc]0] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int32]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[int64]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[intc]1] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint8]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint16]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uintc]0] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint32]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uint64]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[uintc]1] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float16]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float32]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float64]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[float128]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex64]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex128]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[complex256]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[bytes_]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[str_]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[void]] PASSED [ 14%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[object_]] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[datetime64]] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype[timedelta64]] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[DType26] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[65535-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[4294967295-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other2-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other3-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other4-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other5-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other6-complex256] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other7-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other8-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other9-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[other10-complex256] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[bool_-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128-complex256] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-complex256] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-rational] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.0-float64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes0-float32] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes1-float32] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes2-float32] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes3-float64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes4-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes5-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes6-float64] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes7-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes8-complex128] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtypes9-int32] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/[rational] PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 15%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[pair0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['pair'], function test_pairs at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Requires python 3.8) [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 16%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                     [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                    [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 17%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-None-None] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-None-up] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-None-down] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-up-None] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-up-up] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-up-down] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-down-None] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-down-up] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-down-down] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-None-None] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-None-up] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-None-down] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-up-None] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-up-up] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-up-down] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-down-None] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-down-up] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-down-down] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-uint32-23] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-uint64-52] ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR            [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR             [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-1] PASSED  [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-3] PASSED  [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-6] PASSED  [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[16-1] PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[16-3] PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[16-6] PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[2000-1] PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[2000-3] PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/[2000-6] PASSED [ 18%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-32-True] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-32-False] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-32-index2] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-40-True] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-40-False] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-40-index2] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[32-32-True] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[32-32-False] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[32-32-index2] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[32-40-True] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[32-40-False] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[32-40-index2] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[index0] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[index1] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/[index2] PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 19%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[str_] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes_] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[str] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (BUG #2376)     [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (BUG #2376)    [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (array repr problem) [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805500963132708477322407536021120113879871393357658789768814416622492847430639474124377767893424865485276302219601246094119453082952085005768838150682342462881473913110540827237163350510684586298239947245938479716304835356329624224137216] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED  [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED              [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED         [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED         [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/[None] PASSED      [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 20%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR             [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR            [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR              [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR             [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[writeable-True-True] ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[_warn_on_write-True-False] ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[writeable-False-False] ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[array] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[asarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[asanyarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[ascontiguousarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[asfortranarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[array] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[asarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[asanyarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[ascontiguousarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/[asfortranarray] PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 21%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[scalar] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (malloc may not fail on 32 bit systems) [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ XFAIL (See gh-9847) [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ XFAIL (See gh-9847) [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 22%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[real-float32] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[real-float64] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[real-float128] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[imag-float32] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[imag-float64] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[imag-float128] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes_] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[str_] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[datetime64[D]] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[timedelta64[D]] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 23%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[dot] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[matmul] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[i-dot] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[i-matmul] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-dot] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-matmul] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-dot] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-matmul] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[F-dot] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[F-matmul] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[D-dot] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/[D-matmul] PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 24%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (this tests the error messages when trying toprotocol 5 although it is not available) [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmax-size0-axis0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['size', 'axis'], function test_np_argmin_argmax_keepdims at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmin-size0-axis0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['size', 'axis'], function test_np_argmin_argmax_keepdims at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[max] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[min] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmax] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmin] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmax-0] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmax-1] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmin-0] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmin-1] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[zeros-argmax-5942-as] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[ones-argmin-6001-0] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmax-argmax] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmin-argmin] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmax-vals0] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[argmin-vals1] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data0] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data1] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data2] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data3] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data4] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data5] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data6] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data7] PASSED [ 25%]
numpy/core/tests/[data8] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data9] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data10] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data11] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data12] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data13] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data14] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data15] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data16] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data17] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data18] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data19] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data20] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data21] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data22] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data23] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data24] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data25] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data26] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data27] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[data28] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[>i4] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[<i4] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[>i4] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[<i4] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape0] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape1] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[shape2] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 26%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED  [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED  [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED   [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-period] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj-comma] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 27%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[string] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[path_obj] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[float-<] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[float->] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[int-<] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[int->] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex-<] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex->] PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-6] ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-7] ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/[clongdouble-7] ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 28%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR             [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 29%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 29%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 29%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 29%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 29%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[ops0] ERROR [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[ops1] ERROR [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[ops2] ERROR [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[ops3] ERROR [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[float] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 30%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[array] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[scalar] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[obj0] PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/[obj1] PASSED [ 30%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 30%]
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numpy/core/tests/[C-C-arr0] PASSED [ 30%]
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numpy/core/tests/[F-None-arr0] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[F-None-arr1] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[A-C-arr0] PASSED [ 31%]
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numpy/core/tests/[A-None-arr0] PASSED [ 31%]
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numpy/core/tests/[K-C-arr0] PASSED [ 31%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val0-iface0-0.5] PASSED [ 31%]
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numpy/core/tests/[val2-iface2-expected2] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val3-iface3-0.5] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val4-iface4-TypeError] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val5-iface5-expected5] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val6-iface6-ValueError] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val7-iface7-0.5] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val8-iface8-ValueError] PASSED [ 31%]
numpy/core/tests/[val9-iface9-TypeError] PASSED [ 31%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 32%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 32%]
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numpy/core/tests/[2d] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[structured] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[overlapping] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[object] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[empty] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[empty-2d] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[readonly] PASSED [ 32%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 32%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 32%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex64-inf-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--inf-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 32%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-nan-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-inf-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--inf-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-nan-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-1-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-inf-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf-inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256--inf-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan-1-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan-1-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan-inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan--inf-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan--inf-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan-nan-npy_cabs-absolute] PASSED [ 33%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-nan-nan-npy_carg-angle] PASSED [ 33%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 33%]
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numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[2147483647--1] XFAIL (Out of range of int32) [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[2147483647--9] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/[2147483647--10] PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ XFAIL (gh-15896) [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 44%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[U-swap] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[S-swap] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[i,i] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[S3] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[S100] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[U3] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[U100] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[rational] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype10-dtype20] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dtype1', 'dtype2'], function test_promote_types_metadata at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype10-dtype20] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype11-dtype21] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype12-dtype22] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype10-dtype20] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype11-dtype21] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype12-dtype22] PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 45%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[V0] PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[V3] PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[V10] PASSED [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[None] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe] ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 46%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-0] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-amax1] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[amin2-amax2] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr0-0--18446744073709551615-exp0] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr1-0-0-exp1] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr0-amin0-amax0] XFAIL (no scalar nan propagation yet) [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr0-amin0-amax0] XFAIL (propagation doesn't match spec) [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[str-empty_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[str-full_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[str-zeros_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[str-ones_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes-empty_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes-full_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes-zeros_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes-ones_like] ERROR [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED        [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED        [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED        [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 47%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims0-int32] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims0-int64] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims0-float32] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims0-float64] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims1-int32] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims1-int64] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims1-float32] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims1-float64] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims2-int32] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims2-int64] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims2-float32] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/[dims2-float64] PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 48%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[bool_] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[object_] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[str_] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[bytes_] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[void] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-True] PASSED  [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[list-False] PASSED  [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[1.1-False] PASSED   [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[str-True] PASSED    [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[rep4-True] PASSED   [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[rep5-True] PASSED   [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[rep6-True] PASSED   [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 49%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-array-args0-kwargs0] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-asarray-args1-kwargs1] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-asanyarray-args2-kwargs2] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-ascontiguousarray-args3-kwargs3] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-asfortranarray-args4-kwargs4] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-require-args5-kwargs5] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-empty-args6-kwargs6] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-full-args7-kwargs7] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-ones-args8-kwargs8] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-zeros-args9-kwargs9] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-arange-args10-kwargs10] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-frombuffer-args11-kwargs11] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-fromiter-args12-kwargs12] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-fromstring-args13-kwargs13] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-loadtxt-args14-kwargs14] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[True-genfromtxt-args15-kwargs15] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-array-args0-kwargs0] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-asarray-args1-kwargs1] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-asanyarray-args2-kwargs2] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-ascontiguousarray-args3-kwargs3] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-asfortranarray-args4-kwargs4] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-require-args5-kwargs5] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-empty-args6-kwargs6] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-full-args7-kwargs7] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-ones-args8-kwargs8] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-zeros-args9-kwargs9] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-arange-args10-kwargs10] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-frombuffer-args11-kwargs11] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-fromiter-args12-kwargs12] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-fromstring-args13-kwargs13] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-loadtxt-args14-kwargs14] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[False-genfromtxt-args15-kwargs15] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-array-args0-kwargs0] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-asarray-args1-kwargs1] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-asanyarray-args2-kwargs2] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-ascontiguousarray-args3-kwargs3] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-asfortranarray-args4-kwargs4] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-require-args5-kwargs5] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-empty-args6-kwargs6] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-full-args7-kwargs7] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-ones-args8-kwargs8] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-zeros-args9-kwargs9] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-arange-args10-kwargs10] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-frombuffer-args11-kwargs11] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-fromiter-args12-kwargs12] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-fromstring-args13-kwargs13] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-loadtxt-args14-kwargs14] ERROR [ 50%]
numpy/core/tests/[1-genfromtxt-args15-kwargs15] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-array-args0-kwargs0] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-asarray-args1-kwargs1] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-asanyarray-args2-kwargs2] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-ascontiguousarray-args3-kwargs3] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-asfortranarray-args4-kwargs4] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-require-args5-kwargs5] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-empty-args6-kwargs6] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-full-args7-kwargs7] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-ones-args8-kwargs8] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-zeros-args9-kwargs9] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-arange-args10-kwargs10] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-frombuffer-args11-kwargs11] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-fromiter-args12-kwargs12] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-fromstring-args13-kwargs13] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-loadtxt-args14-kwargs14] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[ref1-genfromtxt-args15-kwargs15] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-array-args0-kwargs0] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-asarray-args1-kwargs1] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-asanyarray-args2-kwargs2] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-ascontiguousarray-args3-kwargs3] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-asfortranarray-args4-kwargs4] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-require-args5-kwargs5] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-empty-args6-kwargs6] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-full-args7-kwargs7] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-ones-args8-kwargs8] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-zeros-args9-kwargs9] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-arange-args10-kwargs10] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-frombuffer-args11-kwargs11] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-fromiter-args12-kwargs12] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-fromstring-args13-kwargs13] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-loadtxt-args14-kwargs14] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[MyNoArrayFunctionArray-genfromtxt-args15-kwargs15] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED         [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED         [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED        [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED       [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED       [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED      [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED     [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED    [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED    [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED   [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED  [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED  [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED    [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED    [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED   [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                [ 51%]
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numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 51%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR  [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 52%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 53%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[2-val0] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[2-val1] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[3-val0] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[3-val1] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[4-val0] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[4-val1] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[5-val0] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[5-val1] PASSED [ 55%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (overflows 32-bit python) [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (overflows 32-bit python) [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-add] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-subtract] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-multiply] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-floor_divide] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-conjugate] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-fmod] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-square] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-reciprocal] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-power] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-absolute] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-negative] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-positive] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-greater] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-greater_equal] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-less] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-less_equal] PASSED [ 55%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-not_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-logical_and] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-logical_not] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-logical_or] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-bitwise_and] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-bitwise_or] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-bitwise_xor] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-invert] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-left_shift] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-right_shift] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-gcd] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order0-lcm] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-add] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-subtract] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-multiply] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-floor_divide] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-conjugate] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-fmod] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-square] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-reciprocal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-power] PASSED [ 56%]
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numpy/core/tests/[order1-negative] PASSED [ 56%]
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numpy/core/tests/[order1-greater] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-greater_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-less] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-less_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-not_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-logical_and] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-logical_not] PASSED [ 56%]
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numpy/core/tests/[order1-bitwise_and] PASSED [ 56%]
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numpy/core/tests/[order1-bitwise_xor] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-invert] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-left_shift] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-right_shift] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order1-gcd] PASSED [ 56%]
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numpy/core/tests/[order2-add] PASSED [ 56%]
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numpy/core/tests/[order2-multiply] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-floor_divide] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-conjugate] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-fmod] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-square] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-reciprocal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-power] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-absolute] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-negative] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-positive] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-greater] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-greater_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-less] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-less_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-not_equal] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-logical_and] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-logical_not] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-logical_or] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-bitwise_and] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-bitwise_or] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-bitwise_xor] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-invert] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-left_shift] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-right_shift] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-gcd] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order2-lcm] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-add] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-subtract] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-multiply] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-floor_divide] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-conjugate] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-fmod] PASSED [ 56%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-square] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-reciprocal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-power] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-absolute] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-negative] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-positive] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-greater] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-greater_equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-less] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-less_equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-not_equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-logical_and] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-logical_not] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-logical_or] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-bitwise_and] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-bitwise_or] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-bitwise_xor] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-invert] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-left_shift] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-right_shift] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-gcd] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order3-lcm] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-add] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-subtract] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-multiply] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-floor_divide] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-conjugate] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-fmod] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-square] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-reciprocal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-power] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-absolute] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-negative] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-positive] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-greater] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-greater_equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-less] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-less_equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-not_equal] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-logical_and] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-logical_not] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-logical_or] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-bitwise_and] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-bitwise_or] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-bitwise_xor] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-invert] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-left_shift] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-right_shift] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-gcd] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[order4-lcm] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-int8] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-int16] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-intc] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-int32] PASSED [ 57%]
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numpy/core/tests/[int8-uint8] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-uint16] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-uintc] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-uint32] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8-uint64] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-int8] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-int16] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-intc] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-int32] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-int64] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-uint8] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-uint16] PASSED [ 57%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
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numpy/core/tests/[intc-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-int64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-uint8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-uint16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-uintc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-uint32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32-uint64] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-int8] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-int16] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-intc] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-int32] PASSED [ 58%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-int64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-uint8] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-uint16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-uintc] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-uint32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64-uint64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-int8] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-int16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-intc] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-int32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-int64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-uint8] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-uint16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-uintc] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-uint32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-uint64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex256] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-complex64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-complex128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-complex256] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-complex64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-complex128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256-complex256] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-complex64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-complex128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[None-complex256] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.875-ratio0-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.875-ratio0-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.875-ratio0-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.875-ratio0-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[-0.875-ratio1-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[-0.875-ratio1-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[-0.875-ratio1-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[-0.875-ratio1-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.0-ratio2-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.0-ratio2-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.0-ratio2-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[0.0-ratio2-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[11.5-ratio3-float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[11.5-ratio3-float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[11.5-ratio3-float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[11.5-ratio3-float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16-frac_vals0-exp_vals0] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32-frac_vals1-exp_vals1] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-frac_vals2-exp_vals2] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128-frac_vals3-exp_vals3] PASSED [ 59%]
numpy/core/tests/[e-inf] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[e-nan] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-inf] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-nan] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-inf] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-nan] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[g-inf] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[g-nan] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[number] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[integer] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[inexact] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsignedinteger] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[signedinteger] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[floating] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[generic] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[flexible] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[character] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[S] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[U] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[V] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[O] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[M] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[m] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[number] SKIPPED (Requires python 3.8) [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[complexfloating] SKIPPED (Requires python 3.8) [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] SKIPPED (Requires python 3.8) [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[int8] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[int16] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[int32] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[intc] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[int64] PASSED [ 60%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint8] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint16] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint32] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[uintc] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[uint64] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zf] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zd] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zg] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zf] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zd] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zg] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zf] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zd] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zg] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[?] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zf] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zd] PASSED [ 61%]
numpy/core/tests/[Zg] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[ascii] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[basic multilingual] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[non-BMP] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Test is PyPy only (gh-9972)) [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float16] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[float128] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-b] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-B] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-h] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-H] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-i] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-I] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-l] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-L] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-q] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-Q] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-p] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[>>-P] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-b] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-B] PASSED [ 62%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-h] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-H] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-i] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-I] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-l] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-L] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-q] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-Q] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-p] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[<<-P] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[b] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[B] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[h] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[H] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[i] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[I] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[l] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[L] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[q] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[Q] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[p] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[P] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[F] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[D] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[G] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[lt] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[le] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[eq] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[ne] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[ge] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[gt] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[add] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[floordiv] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[mod] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[mul] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[matmul] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[pow] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[sub] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[truediv] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[lt] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[le] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[eq] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[ne] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[ge] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[gt] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[add] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[floordiv] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[mod] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[mul] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[matmul] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[pow] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[sub] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/[truediv] PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (only applies to ppc float128 values) [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-c8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-c8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-f4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-f4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no->f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no->f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-i8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-i8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-S4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[no-S4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-c8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-c8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-f4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-f4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv->f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv->f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-i8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-i8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-S4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[equiv-S4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-c8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-c8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-f4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-f4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe->f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe->f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-i8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-i8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-S4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe-S4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-c8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-c8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-f4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-f4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind->f8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind->f8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-i8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-i8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-S4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind-S4-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-c8-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-c8-0] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-f4-None] PASSED [ 64%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-f4-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-f8-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-f8-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe->f8-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe->f8-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-i8-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-i8-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-S4-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe-S4-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-S-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-S-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-U-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-U-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-S0-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-S0-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-U0-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs0-U0-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-S-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-S-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-U-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-U-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-S0-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-S0-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-U0-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs1-U0-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-S-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-S-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-U-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-U-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-S0-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-S0-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-U0-None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[arrs2-U0-0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[None] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED    [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 65%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[block] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_concatenate] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[force_slicing] PASSED [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 66%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 67%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 68%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512_SKX' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 69%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 70%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 71%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 72%]
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numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'AVX512F' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 73%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 74%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 75%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target '(FMA3 AVX2)' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 76%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 77%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 78%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 79%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (target 'SSE42' isn't supported by current machine) [ 80%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 80%]
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numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] PASSED [ 80%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 80%]
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numpy/core/tests/[self.ceil-ceil] PASSED [ 81%]
numpy/core/tests/[self.trunc-trunc] PASSED [ 81%]
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numpy/core/tests/[s64] PASSED [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (could not find a second SIMD extension with NPYV support) [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/[u8] PASSED [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/[u16] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[float32-float32] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex64] PASSED [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex128] PASSED [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64-float64] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex128-complex128] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex64-complex64] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[absolute] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[ceil] PASSED [ 84%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate0] PASSED [ 84%]
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numpy/core/tests/[exp] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[exp2] PASSED [ 85%]
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numpy/core/tests/[floor] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[invert] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[log] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[log10] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[log1p] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[log2] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_not] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[negative] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[positive] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[rad2deg] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[radians] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[reciprocal] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[rint] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[sign] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[sin] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[sinh] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[sqrt] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[square] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[tan] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[tanh] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[trunc] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate1] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[_ones_like] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[unsafe] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[same_kind] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[safe] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[add] PASSED  [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/[sqrt] PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 85%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ FAILED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where0-0] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where0-1] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where0-None] PASSED [ 86%]
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numpy/core/tests/[where1-1] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where1-None] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where2-0] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where2-1] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[where2-None] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[-inf-0-where0] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[-inf-1-where1] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[-inf-None-True] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[5.0-0-where0] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[5.0-1-where1] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[5.0-None-True] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 86%]
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numpy/core/tests/[signature0-logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature1-logical_and] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature1-logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature2-logical_and] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature2-logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature0-logical_and] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature0-logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature0-logical_xor] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature1-logical_and] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature1-logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature1-logical_xor] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature2-logical_and] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature2-logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[signature2-logical_xor] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_and] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_or] PASSED [ 86%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_xor] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_and] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_or] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_xor] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[logical_and] PASSED [ 87%]
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numpy/core/tests/[logical_xor] PASSED [ 87%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-True-out_shape0] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-True-out_shape1] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-True-out_shape2] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-True-out_shape3] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-True-out_shape4] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-True-out_shape5] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-False-out_shape0] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-False-out_shape1] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-False-out_shape2] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-False-out_shape3] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-False-out_shape4] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce0-False-out_shape5] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-True-out_shape0] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-True-out_shape1] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-True-out_shape2] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-True-out_shape3] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-True-out_shape4] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-True-out_shape5] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-False-out_shape0] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-False-out_shape1] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-False-out_shape2] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-False-out_shape3] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-False-out_shape4] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce1-False-out_shape5] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[nat0] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[nat1] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[nat0] PASSED  [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[nat1] PASSED  [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[nat0] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[nat1] PASSED [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[absolute0] PASSED       [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[absolute1] PASSED       [ 87%]
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numpy/core/tests/[arccosh] PASSED         [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[arcsin] PASSED          [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[arcsinh] PASSED         [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[arctan] PASSED          [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[arctan2] PASSED         [ 87%]
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numpy/core/tests/[bitwise_and] PASSED     [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[invert0] PASSED         [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[bitwise_or] PASSED      [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[bitwise_xor] PASSED     [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[cbrt] PASSED            [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[ceil] PASSED            [ 87%]
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numpy/core/tests/[conjugate1] PASSED      [ 87%]
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numpy/core/tests/[cos] PASSED             [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[cosh] PASSED            [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[deg2rad] PASSED         [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[degrees] PASSED         [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[true_divide0] PASSED    [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[divmod] PASSED          [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[equal] PASSED           [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[exp] PASSED             [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[exp2] PASSED            [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[expm1] PASSED           [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[fabs] PASSED            [ 87%]
numpy/core/tests/[float_power] PASSED     [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[floor] PASSED           [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[floor_divide] PASSED    [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[fmax] PASSED            [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[fmin] PASSED            [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[frexp] PASSED           [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[gcd] PASSED             [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[greater] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[greater_equal] PASSED   [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[heaviside] PASSED       [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[hypot] PASSED           [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[invert1] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[isfinite] PASSED        [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[isinf] PASSED           [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[lcm] PASSED             [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[ldexp] PASSED           [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[left_shift] PASSED      [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[less] PASSED            [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[less_equal] PASSED      [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[log] PASSED             [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[log10] PASSED           [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[log1p] PASSED           [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[logaddexp] PASSED       [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[logaddexp2] PASSED      [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[logical_not] PASSED     [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[logical_xor] PASSED     [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[matmul] PASSED          [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[maximum] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[minimum] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[remainder0] PASSED      [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[modf] PASSED            [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[multiply] PASSED        [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[negative] PASSED        [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[nextafter] PASSED       [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[not_equal] PASSED       [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[positive] PASSED        [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[rad2deg] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[radians] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[reciprocal] PASSED      [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[right_shift] PASSED     [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[rint] PASSED            [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[sign] PASSED            [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[signbit] PASSED         [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[sin] PASSED             [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[sinh] PASSED            [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[spacing] PASSED         [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[true_divide1] PASSED    [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[trunc] PASSED           [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[absolute1] PASSED [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[add] PASSED     [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[arccosh] PASSED [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[arcsin] PASSED  [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[arcsinh] PASSED [ 88%]
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numpy/core/tests/[bitwise_xor] PASSED [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[cbrt] PASSED    [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[ceil] PASSED    [ 88%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate0] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate1] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[copysign] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[cos] PASSED     [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[cosh] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[deg2rad] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[degrees] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[true_divide0] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[divmod] PASSED  [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[equal] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[exp] PASSED     [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[exp2] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[expm1] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[fabs] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[float_power] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[floor] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[floor_divide] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[fmax] PASSED    [ 89%]
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numpy/core/tests/[frexp] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[gcd] PASSED     [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[greater] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[greater_equal] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[heaviside] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[hypot] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[invert1] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[isfinite] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[isinf] PASSED   [ 89%]
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numpy/core/tests/[isnat] PASSED   [ 89%]
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numpy/core/tests/[ldexp] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[left_shift] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[less] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[less_equal] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[log] PASSED     [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[log10] PASSED   [ 89%]
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numpy/core/tests/[logical_xor] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[matmul] PASSED  [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[maximum] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[minimum] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[remainder0] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[modf] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[multiply] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[negative] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[nextafter] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[not_equal] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[positive] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[power] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[rad2deg] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[radians] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[reciprocal] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[remainder1] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[right_shift] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[rint] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[sign] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[signbit] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[sin] PASSED     [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[sinh] PASSED    [ 89%]
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numpy/core/tests/[sqrt] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[square] PASSED  [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[subtract] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[tan] PASSED     [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[tanh] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[true_divide1] PASSED [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[trunc] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[sign] PASSED    [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/[equal] PASSED   [ 89%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[0] PASSED         [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[4096] PASSED      [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[12288] PASSED     [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[accumulate] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduce] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[reduceat] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[at] PASSED [ 90%]
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numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype0-ex_val0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dtype', 'ex_val'], function test_division_int_boundary at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dtype0-ex_val0] SKIPPED (got empty parameter set ['dtype', 'ex_val'], function test_division_int_reduce at /tmp/B.2xuowg_t/BUILD/numpy-1.22.4/build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend0-divisor0-12] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend1-divisor1--12] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend2-divisor2--12] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend3-divisor3-12] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend4-divisor4--1] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend5-divisor5-0] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend6-2-quotient6] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend7--2-quotient7] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend8-2-quotient8] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend9--2-quotient9] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend10--2-quotient10] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend11--3-quotient11] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[dividend12-0-quotient12] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[e] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[fmod-e] PASSED [ 90%]
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numpy/core/tests/[fmod-d] PASSED [ 90%]
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numpy/core/tests/[remainder-e] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[remainder-f] PASSED [ 90%]
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numpy/core/tests/[remainder-g] PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED     [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED     [ 90%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED     [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED       [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED       [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[3] PASSED       [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[4] PASSED       [ 91%]
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numpy/core/tests/[6] PASSED       [ 91%]
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numpy/core/tests/[14] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[15] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[16] PASSED      [ 91%]
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numpy/core/tests/[19] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[20] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[21] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[22] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[23] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[24] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[25] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[26] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[27] PASSED      [ 91%]
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numpy/core/tests/[30] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[31] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[32] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[33] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[34] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[35] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[36] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[37] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[38] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[39] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[40] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[41] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[42] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[43] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[44] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[45] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[46] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[47] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[48] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[49] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[50] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[51] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[52] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[53] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[54] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[55] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[56] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[57] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[58] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[59] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[60] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[61] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[62] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[63] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/[64] PASSED      [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ FAILED       [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 91%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f] PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d] PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[g] PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[-4] PASSED     [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[-2] PASSED     [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[-1] PASSED     [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[1] PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[2] PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[4] PASSED      [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f--4] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f--2] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f--1] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-1] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-2] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-4] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d--4] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d--2] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d--1] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-1] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-2] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-4] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f--4] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f--2] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f--1] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-1] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-2] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[f-4] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d--4] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d--2] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d--1] PASSED       [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-1] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-2] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/[d-4] PASSED        [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR            [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR            [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR         [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 92%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR           [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR   [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR     [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR    [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR              [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR              [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR          [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED  [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/[True] PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/[False] PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 93%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED            [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex256] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED   [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED          [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                    [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                   [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                  [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                      [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED             [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED         [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                      [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED               [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED      [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                 [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[float32] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[float64] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr0] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr1] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[arr2] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED           [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED        [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[x10] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[x11] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (avoid testing inconsistent platform library implementations) [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (cexp(nan + 0I) is wrong on most platforms) [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED    [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR       [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR      [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR        [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ ERROR [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED     [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ SKIPPED (Complex arithmetic with signed zero fails on most platforms) [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4] PASSED [ 94%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-3] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-5] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-6] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-7] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-8] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-9] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-10] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-11] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-13] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-15] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-17] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-18] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--4-19] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-3] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-5] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-6] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-7] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-8] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-9] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-10] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-11] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-13] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-15] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-17] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-18] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--3-19] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-3] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-5] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-6] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-7] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-8] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-9] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-10] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-11] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-13] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-15] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-17] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-18] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--2-19] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-3] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-5] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-6] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-7] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-8] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-9] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-10] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-11] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-13] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-15] PASSED [ 95%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-18] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64--1-19] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-1] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-2] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-3] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-4] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-5] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-6] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-7] PASSED [ 95%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-8] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-9] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-10] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-11] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-13] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-15] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-17] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-18] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-1-19] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-1] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-2] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-3] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-4] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-5] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-6] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-7] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-8] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-9] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-10] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-11] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-13] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-15] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-17] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-18] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-2-19] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-1] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-2] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-3] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-4] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-5] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-6] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-7] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-8] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-9] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-10] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-11] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-13] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-15] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-17] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-18] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-3-19] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-1] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-2] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-3] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-4] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-5] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-6] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-7] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-8] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-9] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-10] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-11] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-13] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-15] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-17] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-18] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex64-4-19] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4-1] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4-2] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4-3] PASSED [ 96%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4-10] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4-11] PASSED [ 96%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex128--4-19] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-1] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-2] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-3] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-4] PASSED [ 96%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-5] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-6] PASSED [ 97%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-8] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-9] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-10] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-11] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-13] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-15] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-17] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-18] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--3-19] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-1] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-2] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-3] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-4] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-5] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-6] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-7] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-8] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-9] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-10] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-11] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-13] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-15] PASSED [ 97%]
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numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-18] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--2-19] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-1] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-2] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-3] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-4] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-5] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-6] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-7] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-8] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-9] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-10] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-11] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-13] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-15] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-17] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-18] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128--1-19] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-1] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-2] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-3] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-4] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-5] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-6] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-7] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-8] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-9] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-10] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-11] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-13] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-15] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-17] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-18] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-1-19] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-1] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-2] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-3] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-4] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-5] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-6] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-7] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-8] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-9] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-10] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-11] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-13] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-15] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-17] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-18] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-2-19] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-1] PASSED [ 97%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-5] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-6] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-7] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-8] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-9] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-10] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-11] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-13] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-15] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-17] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-18] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-3-19] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-5] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-6] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-7] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-8] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-9] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-10] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-11] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-13] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-15] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-17] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-18] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[complex128-4-19] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64--4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64--3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64--2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64--1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex64-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128--4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128--3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128--2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128--1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[abs-complex128-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64--4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64--3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64--2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64--1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex64-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128--4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128--3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128--2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128--1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[square-complex128-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64--4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64--3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64--2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64--1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64-3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex64-4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128--4] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128--3] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128--2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128--1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128-1] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128-2] PASSED [ 98%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128-3] PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/[conjugate-complex128-4] PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED                [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [ 99%]
numpy/core/tests/ PASSED [100%]

==================================== ERRORS ====================================
________________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_basic _________________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99b2f8>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007587508298456669
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99b2f8>
precise_start = 2173622.373716143
precise_stop = 2173622.374474894
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600184.4775405
stop       = 1736600184.4783006
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_basic>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_basic>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_basic>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_basic>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_basic>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Module>>]
        item       = <Function test_basic>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=0 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_basic>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_basic>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Module>>]
        item       = <Function test_basic>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=0 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_basic>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_basic>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_basic>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_basic>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_basic>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_basic>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_basic>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_basic>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xebbc1e68>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2b68>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2b68>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xebc97760>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2b68>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2b68>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_basic of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2b68>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_basic>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2b68>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
____________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_precision_zero ____________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99bc88>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007136021740734577
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99bc88>
precise_start = 2173622.595072129
precise_stop = 2173622.595785731
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600184.6988966
stop       = 1736600184.6996117
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_precision_zero>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_precision_zero>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_precision_zero>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_precision_zero>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_precision_zero>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_precision_zero>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=1 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_precision_zero>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_precision_zero>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_precision_zero>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=1 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_precision_zero>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_precision_zero>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_precision_zero>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_precision_zero>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_precision_zero>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_precision_zero>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_precision_zero>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_precision_zero>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb7cdb08>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c88>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c88>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeba25e98>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c88>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c88>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_precision_zero of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c88>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_precision_zero>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c88>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
______________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_formatter _______________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99b580>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007383725605905056
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99b580>
precise_start = 2173622.812834122
precise_stop = 2173622.813572495
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600184.9166586
stop       = 1736600184.9173982
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_formatter>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_formatter>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_formatter>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_formatter>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_formatter>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_formatter>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=2 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_formatter>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_formatter>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_formatter>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=2 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_formatter>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_formatter>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_formatter>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_formatter>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb9a1968>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2da8>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2da8>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb9b1b18>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2da8>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2da8>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_formatter of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2da8>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2da8>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
___________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_formatter_reset ____________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99ba90>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007349280640482903
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb99ba90>
precise_start = 2173623.032854527
precise_stop = 2173623.033589455
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600185.1366792
stop       = 1736600185.1374152
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_formatter_reset>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_formatter_reset>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_formatter_reset>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=3 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_formatter_reset>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=3 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_formatter_reset>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_formatter_reset>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_formatter_reset>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb925ce8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2ec8>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2ec8>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb9b1028>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2ec8>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2ec8>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_formatter_reset of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2ec8>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_formatter_reset>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2ec8>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
______________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_0d_arrays _______________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9224a8>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007579680532217026
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9224a8>
precise_start = 2173623.261181327
precise_stop = 2173623.261939295
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600185.3650057
stop       = 1736600185.365765
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_0d_arrays>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_0d_arrays>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_0d_arrays>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=4 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_0d_arrays>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=4 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_0d_arrays>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_0d_arrays>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_0d_arrays>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb8cc7e8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fe8>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fe8>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb9b1728>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fe8>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fe8>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_0d_arrays of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fe8>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_0d_arrays>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fe8>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
____________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_float_spacing _____________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9b7f58>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0008175377734005451
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9b7f58>
precise_start = 2173623.489201099
precise_stop = 2173623.490018637
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600185.5930254
stop       = 1736600185.5938447
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_float_spacing>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_float_spacing>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_float_spacing>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_float_spacing>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_float_spacing>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_float_spacing>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=5 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_float_spacing>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_float_spacing>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_float_spacing>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=5 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_float_spacing>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_float_spacing>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_float_spacing>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_float_spacing>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_spacing>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xebbc1b88>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711130>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711130>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8ce220>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711130>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711130>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_float_spacing of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711130>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_spacing>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711130>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
_____________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_bool_spacing _____________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb8e1f10>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007784492336213589
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb8e1f10>
precise_start = 2173623.72259914
precise_stop = 2173623.723377589
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600185.8264236
stop       = 1736600185.8272035
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_bool_spacing>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_bool_spacing>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_bool_spacing>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=6 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_bool_spacing>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=6 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_bool_spacing>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_bool_spacing>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_bool_spacing>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb8fede8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711250>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711250>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8ce530>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711250>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711250>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_bool_spacing of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711250>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_bool_spacing>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711250>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
_____________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_sign_spacing _____________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9229b8>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0008040899410843849
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9229b8>
precise_start = 2173624.207823211
precise_stop = 2173624.208627301
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600186.3116477
stop       = 1736600186.3124533
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_sign_spacing>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_sign_spacing>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=7 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_sign_spacing>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=7 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_sign_spacing>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_sign_spacing>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_sign_spacing>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xebb572a8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fd0>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fd0>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8f5220>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fd0>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fd0>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_sign_spacing of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fd0>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2fd0>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_float_overflow_nowarn _________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb7f0808>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.000757948961108923
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb7f0808>
precise_start = 2173624.434788935
precise_stop = 2173624.435546884
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600186.5386136
stop       = 1736600186.5393724
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=8 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=8 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb9a1f08>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c70>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c70>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8f55a0>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c70>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c70>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_float_overflow_nowarn of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c70>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_float_overflow_nowarn>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2c70>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
_______ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_sign_spacing_structured ________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb8e1a00>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007570008747279644
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb8e1a00>
precise_start = 2173624.657552427
precise_stop = 2173624.658309428
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600186.761377
stop       = 1736600186.7621353
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=9 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=9 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb7e2be8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2538>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2538>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8f5cd8>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2538>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2538>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_sign_spacing_structured of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2538>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_sign_spacing_structured>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef6e2538>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
______________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_floatmode _______________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb922928>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0008278517052531242
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb922928>
precise_start = 2173624.886832517
precise_stop = 2173624.887660369
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600186.9906569
stop       = 1736600186.9914865
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_floatmode>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_floatmode>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_floatmode>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_floatmode>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_floatmode>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_floatmode>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=10 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_floatmode>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_floatmode>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_floatmode>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=10 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_floatmode>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_floatmode>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_floatmode>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_floatmode>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_floatmode>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_floatmode>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_floatmode>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_floatmode>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb8df2c8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711100>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711100>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8cebc0>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711100>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711100>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_floatmode of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711100>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_floatmode>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711100>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
_________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_legacy_mode_scalars __________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9222b0>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007470152340829372
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb9222b0>
precise_start = 2173625.113076422
precise_stop = 2173625.113823437
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600187.2169008
stop       = 1736600187.2176492
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=11 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=11 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb9251c8>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7114c0>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7114c0>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb8ce4f8>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7114c0>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7114c0>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_legacy_mode_scalars of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7114c0>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_mode_scalars>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7114c0>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
__________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_legacy_stray_comma __________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb7ce8e0>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0007826089859008789
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb7ce8e0>
precise_start = 2173625.347815655
precise_stop = 2173625.348598264
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600187.4516401
stop       = 1736600187.4524243
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=12 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=12 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb8cc128>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7115e0>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7115e0>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeb9b1958>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7115e0>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7115e0>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_legacy_stray_comma of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7115e0>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_legacy_stray_comma>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef7115e0>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
_______ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping _______

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb7f0a00>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.000726835336536169
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb7f0a00>
precise_start = 2173625.592840844
precise_stop = 2173625.593567679
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600187.6966653
stop       = 1736600187.6973934
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=13 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        col        = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=13 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
        self       = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _fillfixtures
    item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturenames = ['doctest_namespace',
        item       = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in getfixturevalue
    fixturedef = self._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _get_active_fixturedef
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in _compute_fixture_value
        argname    = '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions'
        callspec   = None
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixtures_not_supported = False
        funcitem   = <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>
        has_params = False
        param      = <NotSetType.token: 0>
        param_index = 0
        scope      = <Scope.Function: 'function'>
        self       = <FixtureRequest for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
        subrequest = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in execute
    result = ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
        argname    = 'request'
        fixturedef = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        ihook      = <_pytest.config.compat.PathAwareHookProxy object at 0xefae4898>
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
        self       = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'request'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = True
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_fixture_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = True
        hook_name  = 'pytest_fixture_setup'
        kwargs     = {'fixturedef': <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>,
 'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='fixtures', plugin=<module '_pytest.fixtures' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setupplan', plugin=<module '_pytest.setupplan' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='setuponly', plugin=<module '_pytest.setuponly' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_fixture_setup
    result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs)
        arg_cache_key = [0]
        argname    = 'request'
        exc        = None
        exc_info   = (<class 'pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning'>,
 PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`\nTo remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:'),
 <traceback object at 0xeb77ea48>)
        fixdef     = PseudoFixtureDef(cached_result=(<SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>, [0], None), _scope=<Scope.Function: 'function'>)
        fixturedef = <FixtureDef argname='_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' scope='function' baseid='build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/'>
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711700>>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>}
        my_cache_key = 0
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
        result     = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in call_fixture_func
    fixture_result = next(generator)
        fixturefunc = <bound method Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711700>>
        generator  = <generator object Class._inject_setup_method_fixture.<locals>.xunit_setup_method_fixture at 0xeba25798>
        kwargs     = {'request': <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>}
        request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711700>
request = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>

        # Use a unique name to speed up lookup.
    def xunit_setup_method_fixture(self, request) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
        method = request.function
        if setup_method is not None:
            func = getattr(self, setup_name)
            _call_with_optional_argument(func, method)
            if emit_nose_setup_warning:
>               warnings.warn(
                        nodeid=request.node.nodeid, method="setup"
E               pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning: Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
E               build/testenv/libx32/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/ is using nose-specific method: `setup(self)`
E               To remove this warning, rename it to `setup_method(self)`
E               See docs:

emit_nose_setup_warning = True
emit_nose_teardown_warning = True
func       = <bound method TestPrintOptions.setup of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711700>>
method     = <bound method TestPrintOptions.test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping of <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711700>>
request    = <SubRequest '_xunit_setup_method_fixture_TestPrintOptions' for <Function test_dtype_linewidth_wrapping>>
self       = <numpy.core.tests.test_arrayprint.TestPrintOptions object at 0xef711700>
setup_method = <function TestPrintOptions.setup at 0xf50cd730>
setup_name = 'setup'
teardown_method = <function TestPrintOptions.teardown at 0xf50cd850>
teardown_name = 'teardown'

/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning
____________ ERROR at setup of TestPrintOptions.test_linewidth_repr ____________

cls = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb79e388>
when = 'setup'
reraise = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)

    def from_call(
        func: "Callable[[], TResult]",
        when: "Literal['collect', 'setup', 'call', 'teardown']",
        reraise: Optional[
            Union[Type[BaseException], Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "CallInfo[TResult]":
        """Call func, wrapping the result in a CallInfo.
        :param func:
            The function to call. Called without arguments.
        :param when:
            The phase in which the function is called.
        :param reraise:
            Exception or exceptions that shall propagate if raised by the
            function, instead of being wrapped in the CallInfo.
        excinfo = None
        start = timing.time()
        precise_start = timing.perf_counter()
>           result: Optional[TResult] = func()

cls        = <class '_pytest.runner.CallInfo'>
duration   = 0.0011905641295015812
excinfo    = <ExceptionInfo PytestRemovedIn8Warning('Support for nose tests is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.\nbuild/testenv/...setup_method(self)`\nSee docs:') tblen=18>
func       = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0xeb79e388>
precise_start = 2173626.201659948
precise_stop = 2173626.202850512
reraise    = (<class '_pytest.outcomes.Exit'>, <class 'KeyboardInterrupt'>)
result     = None
start      = 1736600188.3054843
stop       = 1736600188.3066766
when       = 'setup'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in <lambda>
    lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds), when=when, reraise=reraise
        ihook      = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
        item       = <Function test_linewidth_repr>
        kwds       = {}
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in __call__
    return self._hookexec(, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs, firstresult)
        argname    = 'item'
        args       = ()
        firstresult = False
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_linewidth_repr>}
        self       = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_setup'>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/pluggy/ in _hookexec
    return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
        firstresult = False
        hook_name  = 'pytest_runtest_setup'
        kwargs     = {'item': <Function test_linewidth_repr>}
        methods    = [<HookImpl plugin_name='nose', plugin=<module '_pytest.nose' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='skipping', plugin=<module '_pytest.skipping' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='threadexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.threadexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='capturemanager', plugin=<CaptureManager _method='fd' _global_capturing=<MultiCapture out=<FDCapture 1 oldfd=13 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=14 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> err=<FDCapture 2 oldfd=15 _state='suspended' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name="<_io.FileIO name=16 mode='rb+' closefd=True>" mode='r+' encoding='utf-8'>> in_=<FDCapture 0 oldfd=11 _state='started' tmpfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='utf-8'>> _state='suspended' _in_suspended=False> _capture_fixture=None>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0xefb1c028>>,
 <HookImpl plugin_name='unraisableexception', plugin=<module '_pytest.unraisableexception' from '/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/'>>]
        self       = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0xefaf1c70>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in pytest_runtest_setup
        item       = <Function test_linewidth_repr>
/usr/share/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/ in setup
    raise exc
        col        = <Function test_linewidth_repr>
        finalizers = [<bound method Node.teardown of <Class TestPrintOptions>>]
        item       = <Function test_linewidth_repr>
        needed_collectors = [<Session numpy-1.22.4 exitstatus=<ExitCode.OK: 0> testsfailed=14 testscollected=7703>,
 <Package tests>,
 <Class TestPrintOptions>,
 <Function test_linewidth_repr>]
        self       = <_pytest.runner.SetupState object at 0xefb1caa8>