Powered by Linus. Your IP: | command 0a8b4f2d-9af2-4cea-8cf6-d0c9018545fdContent:Loading [pndir]ready...
Loading [pndir]th-test...
Loading [pndir]th-test...
Loading [pndir]th-ready...
Loading [pndir]th-ready...
Loading [pndir]th...
Loading [pndir]th...
36976 packages read
Removed 981 duplicate packages from available set
warn: rpm-devel: ambiguous name
Processing dependencies...
rpm-devel-4.18.2-2.x32 obsoleted by rpm-devel-4.20.0-1.x32
There are 1 package to install, 1 to remove:
U rpm-devel-(4.18.2-2 => 4.20.0-1).x32
This operation will free 23.1KB of disk space.
Need to get 77.3KB of archives.
rpm-devel-4.20.0-1.x32.rpm: digests OK
Executing pm-command.sh --upgrade -vh --root / --define _check_dirname_deps 0...
Verifying... ########################################
Preparing... ########################################
Updating / installing...
rpm-devel-1:4.20.0-1 ########################################
Cleaning up / removing...
rpm-devel-1:4.18.2-2 ########################################
Build-Time: user:2.21s sys:0.51s real:2.80s (faults io:0 non-io:109794)